Saddle Fitting

Saddle Fitting

Get Your Saddle Fitted With Wyoming Saddle Today!

  • If the tree on your saddle is too wide it will sit low in the front and the bars will raise on the back end which results in poor contact for the entire tree putting pressure on the withers as well. This can cause swelling and be hot and painful.
  • If the tree on your saddle is too narrow, or with a gullet that’s too narrow, it will pinch and put pressure on the sides of his spine,shoulders and withers. This can cause sores, white hair patches and create restriction of free movement or extension when riding as well as bucking,rearing,crow hopping and over all bad attitude.
  • Armpit Pinch (cinch sore) can develop after a very short ride causing hair loss, crusty skin and painful, hot, weepy sore areas under the girth. 
  • If you see or feel a flattened area on the center of your horses back, where your saddle would sit, this is called Dead Back. This can appear as dead areas because of the pressure causing decreased blood flow. 
  • Bald Spots in the area your saddle sits
  • Nodules on your horses back develop from pressure and friction of the saddle causing dead tissue and scarring in the deep tissue under the skin. 
  • Bucking, Rearing and head tossing
  • Crow Hopping
  • Sore Back, your horse may express his discomfort with pinned ears, biting and swishing tail when you put your saddle on his back.

Common Signs of a Bad Fitting Saddle

A horse that goes around with his head up, ears pinned, and tail swishing could be indicating discomfort or displeasure for any number of reasons. One that’s commonly overlooked, however, is poor saddle fit.
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